Said one of my favorite Tweeters Naval Ravikantlink to his tweet here . I am a fan of Naval’s philosophy and his objective thinking evidenced via his tweets. I have no idea how he is in-person nor do I want to know. However, the above tweet got me thinking about our own insecurities and our challenges dealing with uncertainty.

Humans are inherently insecure and most struggle to deal with uncertainty which has led to a boom in astrological and psychic consultations in recent times. The inherent insecurities coupled with the glorification of the hustle culture, growth in two income families to maintain our never ending desires has led to an all time high in anxiety levels of the modern worker.

What can one do to cope with this? It is all within one’s control– everything is within your mind. Naval’s tweet above exemplifies this point– treat any anxiety of failure as an opportunity to get early feedback, to fail fast and learn and to win big in the long run. Truly believe this– say it to yourself aloud or do whatever you need to do to believe it. The other technique that will make a difference is to have a positive attitude– assume everyone has a positive intent and are not out to get you. Identify and begin to recognize the triggers for yourself that brings the negativity in you. When you recognize those triggers, catch them, reorient yourself into a positive mindset again (provide this feedback into your internal system)– this will be a game changer in how you interact with others and how others perceive you.

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