What is the most complex machinery you have operated? Seems like a trick interview question, but it is not. If you are like me and have listened to Sadhguru, you will believe that the Human Machinery is the most complex.

The human body and mind is indeed very complex and in the modern world with noise significantly exceeding signal, it is difficult to manage the emotions of the machinery and thrive. There is a multi-billion dollar industry dedicated to “Self Help”– some of which are helpful while most of them are selling repackaged snake oil with no actionable insights.

I have read my share of these self-help books and after reading each of them I end up at the same place I started. None of them provide an actionable checklist, however what they will do is make you think about what you want. Writing down what you want is a good first step in knowing your goals and priorities. I have found it useful to also write down the why to provide clarity on the path to get there.

I also want to say that it is not necessary to have any goals at all. The purpose might be to simply live your life and ride the most complex machinery in the Universe for fulfillment. The corporate world and the society will frown on this, but this is about you and not about someone else. Take ownership!!

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