The general impression that people of corporate minions is that they are the lower rung of the corporate ladder. I believe minionism is a fractal pattern, it occurs at all levels. Today, we delve into the fantastical realm of corporate executives, those extraordinary beings who magically transform into sycophantic minions at the mere whisper of their wealthy overlords. It’s a tale of unbridled servitude and spinelessness that would put Shakespeare’s most tragic characters to shame.

Once upon a time, in the ivory towers of Wall Street, corporate executives were heralded as brilliant visionaries, guiding their companies to unparalleled success. Or so they wanted us to believe! In reality, they are nothing more than the polished cogs in the machinery of the rich elite. Their task? To ensure the wealthy class continues to accumulate more wealth while the rest of us scrabble around in the muck of daily life.

Think of the corporate executive as a chameleon – adapting to the color and temperament of their surroundings, ever eager to please their paymasters. Want to see an executive dance? Simply toss a golden coin their way, and they’ll perform a tap dance so intricate that Fred Astaire would weep in envy. Their moral compass, conveniently misplaced at birth, only points towards the land of profits and bonuses.

The relationship between the corporate executive and the wealthy patron is one of symbiosis. The executives, driven by a voracious appetite for bloated salaries and opulent lifestyles, bend over backward to maintain their elite status. It’s almost touching, like a toxic romance where both parties pretend to be in love, while everyone else is left gagging on the saccharine sweetness.

But let us not mistake the sycophantic dance for mere loyalty. Oh no! The corporate executive’s allegiance lies not with their company’s employees or customers but with the overflowing coffers of the privileged few. When the rich roar, these so-called leaders jump higher than Olympic athletes, ready to throw workers under the bus, cut corners on product quality, or engage in ethically dubious practices – all for the elusive promise of being invited to the next yacht party.

When they aren’t busy licking the boots of their financial masters, these executives can be found indulging in the ancient art of obfuscation. They’ve perfected the art of corporate jargon, spewing buzzwords and jumbled acronyms that make the average mortal’s head spin. It’s a smokescreen, designed to make us believe they possess wisdom beyond comprehension while they secretly plot the next tax evasion scheme.

As we marvel at the sheer brilliance of these corporate yes-men and yes-women, we must remember the broader impact of their subservience. The yawning chasm between the rich and the rest of us continues to widen, as these executives orchestrate intricate schemes that ensure the lion’s share of profits remains firmly in the hands of the privileged few.

So, let us raise our glasses to the corporate executives – the modern-day jesters in the court of the wealthy elite. Their loyalty knows no bounds, except the bounds of their offshore bank accounts. As long as the riches flow, they’ll continue to dance, sing, and serve – until one day, we might just find ourselves living happily ever after in a world where true leadership and integrity reign supreme. But until then, let the sycophantic show go on!

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