I have tried to read “Beginning of Infinity” by  David Deutsch many times and have that book on my work desk, however I have only managed to listen to the summary of the book. The summary is very powerful and enlightening and because my internalization is from a summary, is can be skewed– I will never know, but who cares? Channeling Yogi Berra ‘Life is 80% between your two ears and the other half is outside’.

What I have come to believe is that Universe is abundant and humans are standing at the beginnings of an Infinite amount of resources and knowledge to unlock.

When I was a kid, I used to think that everything is capped (for example in music, all the catchy tunes were taken), however as I grew up, I did begin believing that there is no scarcity in creativity, in learning and in building new things and innovating, the scarcity is in one’s minds. How do we teach these mental models to the next generation make it muscle memory into the human gene – I think it will be the solution to the divide we have in today’s world.

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