Credit card testing is a type of fraud where criminals attempt to validate stolen credit card information by making small purchases or authorizing small charges. The goal of credit card testing is to verify that the stolen credit card information is valid and can be used for larger purchases or cash withdrawals.

Credit card testing is often used in conjunction with other forms of credit card fraud, such as skimming or phishing, where criminals steal credit card information from unsuspecting victims. Once they have obtained a large number of stolen credit card details, they will typically test the information by making small purchases, often online or over the phone, to determine if the card is active and can be used.

Criminals may also use credit card testing as a way to avoid detection by credit card companies and law enforcement. By making small, legitimate-seeming purchases, they can test the stolen credit card details without raising suspicion.

To protect against credit card testing, it’s important to monitor credit and debit card accounts regularly for any unauthorized charges, no matter how small. Additionally, it’s important to be cautious when providing credit card information online or over the phone, especially when dealing with unfamiliar or suspicious websites or companies.

Credit card companies and financial institutions also have fraud detection systems in place to help identify and prevent credit card testing and other types of fraud. These systems may use algorithms and machine learning to identify unusual patterns or behaviors associated with credit card activity, and may also flag suspicious transactions for review or investigation.

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