Who do people listen to for career advise? While experience plays a role and people tend to learn from mistakes, one of the trends I noticed is experienced people providing guidance to the new workforce post their retirement. My pet peeve is that in many cases, these “retired” people tend to talk about what they ‘should have’, ‘could have’ done – this is easy to call out in hindsight. I would rather hear strategies that helped them and the mistakes they made and how they overcame them. For example, I recently saw a post from someone who said that they almost always carried their laptop on their vacation and kept up with the updates at work, however their advise to the workforce after retiring is not do that and to live their life and enjoy the moment– what credibility does this person have to suggest this? I don’t want to listen to some theoretical wisdom which they failed to implement (good to know as their regrets, but not as wisdom). [reasons for why people carry laptops is a different post, not in this post’s scope].

Providing guidance to your children is different than career guidance– I view that as providing life guidance and not limited to corporate jargon. (different post on that)

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