Retirement is defined as “the action or fact of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work”, but what if there was no work?
It is odd that the society makes us believe that normal is going to school for 16 years until you are 22 or there about, working for the next 40 years and then retire– how boring is that? May be that is not what the society meant, but that is the practical implication for most people who were not born with a silver spoon.
I think we are missing out an opportunity to change the societal mindset to think of working, learning, relaxing and living as a continuum and to make everyday pleasurable. Humans are meant for living everyday and not for a percent of their lives. Clarence Darrow said “The first half of our lives are ruined by our parents and the second half by our children.” – while true, very unfortunate and sad state.
Time to retire the “Retirement” word and replace it with “Relivement”– meaning you live every day as though you got a new lease on life.