This is Mr. Corp Minion’s personal blog. Mr. Corp Minion likes to write about random topics, however the reality might be different. The posts are byte sized, to try and get to the key points and help Mr. Corp Minion continue to evolve in the Corporate world.

All thoughts are Mr. Corp Minion’s, feel free to comment with your thoughts that are productive and helps him evolve.

Theory X and Theory Y Management Styles
Douglas McGregor, a distinguished professor at Harvard Business School, made a significant contribution to management theory with his development of Theory X and Theory Y. …
Free from Anxiety and Financial Worry
Imagine a world where every individual wakes up each morning with the freedom to choose their path, unburdened by anxiety or financial concerns. This vision …
American Values
America is a unique country founded on certain principles. That uniqueness is diluted or worse mis-represented when Americans talk about western values in the context …
The 5 Why’s Demystified
Introduction: The 5 Whys technique, originating from the Toyota Production System, is a straightforward yet powerful approach to problem-solving. In this article, we'll explore the …
The Power of Sleep
Corp Minions are always busy. Sometimes sleep takes a backseat, but its significance cannot be overstated. For corporate minions, ample sleep directly translates to enhanced …

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